Today has been absolutely crazy! To sum it all up, we got the call! That's right....the call!!!! Let me back it up and tell you how this day came to be!
I recieved a beautiful gift from a friend that totally made my day this past weekend! I necklace with a charm that very simply says "Ask Believe Receive"! So that's exactly what I did! I asked Him....I asked Him for the family that we are supposed to have. I asked Him to give me patience throughout this time of waiting for our baby. Then I believed. I believed that He heard every word I said.
Today I recieved a wonderful book from a coworker with a personalized message to me and Chase! It's the story of a family and their personal journey through adoption. I look forward to reading it and see this process through someone else's eyes! (sorry, I can't seem to rotate the picture and I got frustrated so here ya go, LOL)!!!
Then it happened. The call. At 11:03 this morning Buckner called with a referral. A six week old baby girl for an emergency placement. I called Chase and although I was asking him what he thought, I had already decided YES. Luckily, he agreed. It took 2 hours for them to call us back to let us know that she would be placed with us. We were supposed to get her tonight, but due to some paperwork issues, it will be early tomorrow!
HOLY CRAP!!!!! We are going to be foster parents. We don't know very much about her, but we don't care. We are so excited to have a baby in our home! I will probably be taking off work the next 2 weeks to get things in order around the house and with the day care. I know this may not be forever, but it is for right now. We are getting an opportunity of a lifetime. Regardless of the amount of time she will be in our home, we have unlimited love to show her. Our thumbprint in her life!
I have so much to do before she gets here, so I'm making this short! I'll update tomorrow as soon as things get settled!
YAY! Thanks BE to GOD! I'm so excited for you guys! Keep us posted on her arrival and lots of pictures of your beautiful gift!! Ask and ye shall recieve!!