Friday, April 6, 2012

"Sick as a Dog"

For those of you who are my FB friends,  you know that baby girl has been sick! She's been a little sniffly for about a week or so and we thought nothing of it!  Last Sunday she started to get a bit wheezy and that got me concerned.  I brought her to the doctor and nothing was alarming...wheezing was off and on, no coughing and no fever.  She came home early from daycare on Tuesday but still no fever.  Wednesday I asked my cousin (a repiratory therapist) to take a look and let me know what she though!  Baby girl had 100 degree fever and lots of congestion so we brought her to the ER. Unfortunately, she tested positive for RSV and they admitted her right away.  She stayed 2 nights at Baptist Hospital and today we came home!!!  She never let it get her down, though.  She was still happy and slept and ate just fine!  She broke her fever early so there were no concerns with her coming home!  She has the cutest nebulizer to do her breathing treatments with - a pink panda bear! :)  

Her lungs sounded good yesterday evening so we are very thankful it wasn't anything too awful!  Thank you for all of the prayers for her - they definitely worked!  The staff at the hospital was phenomenal!  They were so attentive and I never felt like I was a bother (I have a tendancy to talk too much)!  They treated baby girl like she was the only paitent!! THANK YOU to all of the staff on the pedi floor at Baptist Hospital in Beaumont!

I hope all of you have a super fantastic Easter weekend!  Please remember we are celebrating because Jesus died and rose again and for that we are all forgiven and will live forever in the glory of God! 
Now I need to go tend to a grouchy 3 month old! LOL!!!
Happy Easter!!!

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